Speak Asia Fraud! I Mean Yet Another Fraud???

Well well well,one of my favorite songs by Britney Spears says "Oops I did it again".It pretty much matches with what the "Money Machine" companies do in India! Isn't it? You forgot "Golden Forest,MNM" ?? Or another 101 companies who snatched a big amount of money from the Indian Economy?If this thing is erased from your mind then guess what,we have a reminder,"SPEAK ASIA".The active Indian media has came up with some mind boggling facts which clearly indicates that the ship of Speak Asia is sailing on your money and will sink with the same.Well lets get back to the topic,first let me explain in short what Speak Asia is and what kind of returns it promises.

Speak Asia claims that they are a Survey Company which undertakes surveys for business firms including the leading brands of the market.However they don't disclose their names as per their "Terms & Conditions"!You have to register on speak Asia by paying a total of 11,000/- INR which you have to pay every year if you want to continue.After registration,you are eligible to take two surveys a week and you are rewarded 500 INR for each survey which comes out to be a total of 1,000/- INR a week and 52,000/- INR in one year.Which means after deducting what you have invested that is 11,000/- INR you are in a profit of 41,000/- INR per year! Nice deal isn't it?Nothing to loose.You will get an additional 1,000 /-INR for each member you refer to join Speak Asia.So some extra income!Well this is all about what Speak Asia is.Lets move ahead to the second phase.

In this phase,I will reveal the facts about "Speak Asia"

  • No Registration At All
Yes,the company is registered nowhere in the world.company claims that they are registered at Singapore but Singapore Govt. has cancelled their registration last year after which they came to India.And if we assume that they are still registered in Singapore,it means that it is beyond the jurisdiction of Indian Laws.If you get into any dispute with the company then you have to fly way to Singapore! Here is the cancelled registration of Heren's companies,who owns Speak Asia Online,Singapore Govt. told that they keep changing their names after they get banned in the country.Compliance rating for this company is Non Compliant currently which means Govt. do not advice their citizens to invest in the company.

  • Not A Single Office In India
Strange isn't it?You have tons of subscribers from India and not even a single office here?So from where you control the company?From Singapore?Where you got a cancelled registration as a new year gift?And if any Indian has a query or a dispute which can't be settled down by a phone call,you will call the person to Singapore??On whose expanses?

  • Transaction Theories
SpeakAsiaOnline is paying 10 points (1 point equals 1 USD) which is too much for a country like India, Nepal or Bangladesh. I don't think that even companies that conduct surveys in USA/UK pay this much for a similar survey.Anyways,this is not the issue,why should we interfere with what the company pays!The suspicious part of the transaction process is as follows-
  1. Company claims that  ING VYSYA is the bank which is responsible for the conversion of USD into INR and all sort of payment issues,when a well known media group "Star News" was told by the same bank that they have nothing to do with "Speak Asia Online".
  2. According to the laws of India,they do not meet the requirements of RBI in order to process,receive or distribute foreign exchange!The City Magistrate of Gorakhpur has sent a Notice to the company regarding this and another nine points.See the newspaper cutting .They have sent 3 notices to the company but the company is still asking for extension of time! Wish Virus of 3 Idiots would have been the Magistrate,he would have said "I can give you sympathy,not extension".

  • The Top Clients They Named,said GTFO!
As I told earlier,they said that they can't reveal their clients name as per their "Terms And Conditions" but they said that they can reveal the name of top most brands.The company they named were, Nestley,Bharti Airtel,Bata,ICICI Bank and a few more,and guess what? Each and every company named above has clearly said that they have not asked Speak Asia Online to conduct any survey for them.So if not the top guns of Indian market,who is going to pay you 500/- INR for a single survey knowing that you can fill irrelevant information??Any "Dantmanjan" company?? So basically it seems illogical that a company pays more than US/UK companies for a survey conducted for don't know what company.

  • And so on
  1. They don't ask for an Identity,so any terrorist can get funding for his organisation by just filling two surveys a week.
  2. They don't give a training,the top survey companies of the world will first give you some dummy surveys and you get paid surveys only after they are satisfied by your work.
  3. A company gives you 40% return,sorry never heard that!Except by the companies who disappear from the market in a year or so.
  4. No role in paying tax!So by definition it is "Black Money".
  5. Officials of Speak Asia arrested in Bangladesh for cheating. ( News published at Daily Star, Bangladesh).

So thats it,I know they are paying off the money but the frauds done early were on the same path!They also paid for over an year before shutting their company down to nowhere.Investors lost their savings of life!Wake up guys,there is nothing like easy money or quick money in life..I am not saying it is a scam until it is proved,but if not scam,it is definitely suspicious. 

Note-For proofs please refer to Star News Videos at Youtube or click here.

You are always welcomed to share your views on this.

7 Reactions:

  • Unknown says:
    May 14, 2011 at 11:43 AM

    well said sunny. Proud of you. Good job done. keep working.

  • Jeevesh Ranjan Sahai says:
    May 14, 2011 at 11:53 AM

    Thank u pops :) Need ur blessings...n thanks for helping in the research ;)

  • Prabagaran says:
    May 14, 2011 at 7:35 PM

    Thanks for you initiative on this, sunny :)

  • Jeevesh Ranjan Sahai says:
    May 14, 2011 at 10:14 PM

    You are welcome Prabagaran...spread it as much as you can.

  • Anonymous says:
    May 18, 2011 at 4:36 AM

    Please send the Bank details of their representative to Director Vigilance of Income tax and to CBI

  • R says:
    June 4, 2011 at 11:39 AM

    amazin survey!:-)
    god bless u dear...keep it up

  • company incorporation singapore says:
    January 10, 2012 at 5:31 PM

    this kind of information is really interest me, first the event of legalization of having a company in Singapore. and the proper managing the legality of the business that is the great information this blog showing.

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